NASA gets signal from space 140 million miles away
NASA announced that it got a special signal from its spacecraft, Psyche. Psyche’s job is to gather information about space rocks way out in space. It’s equipped with Deep Space Optical Communications (DSOC) to help with this.
The signal was a rare one, and it’s a big deal because it means Psyche is doing its job well. DSOC helps Psyche send and receive data better, even when it’s really far away.
This news shows that Psyche is on track to achieve its mission goals. It’s an exciting step forward for space exploration and understanding more about what’s out there in the universe.
This technology could be useful for future missions too, like going to Mars. By using DSOC, spacecraft can communicate faster and more efficiently, which is important for sending information back to Earth. Overall, it’s a positive sign for NASA and the future of space exploration.
Meera Srinivasan from NASA’s Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Southern California shared that they received 10 minutes of the same data from the spacecraft on April 8. This data was sent back to Earth during a specific time when the spacecraft passed by. It’s important because it helps NASA understand how well the spacecraft is working and if it’s collecting the right information. This kind of communication is crucial for monitoring and controlling spacecraft during their missions in space.
Send and receive data much faster
The NASA spacecraft is now 1.5 times farther from the Sun than Earth is. NASA believes this progress could be useful for future trips to Mars.
According to NASA, this achievement shows how spacecraft might use optical communications in the future. This means they could send and receive data much faster. This technology could help send detailed scientific information, high-quality pictures, and videos back to Earth. NASA sees this as an important step towards sending humans to Mars.
By using optical communications, spacecraft can send a lot more data quickly and efficiently. This is crucial for future missions, especially those to distant places like Mars. It helps scientists gather more information and make better decisions. Overall, this progress is a big deal for space exploration and the future of sending humans further into space.

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19 million miles away in December
Srinivasan explained that before this, they were mainly sending test and diagnostic data back from Psyche. This new achievement is a big step forward for the project. It shows how well optical communications can work with a spacecraft’s radio frequency communication system.
The experts started this experiment when Psyche was 19 million miles away in December last year. They wanted to see how well the optical communications would perform when the spacecraft was far from Earth. This is important because it helps them understand if this technology can work reliably over long distances in space.
Overall, this milestone is exciting because it proves that optical communications can be a valuable addition to spacecraft communication systems. It opens up new possibilities for faster and more efficient communication with spacecraft, even when they’re exploring faraway places in the universe.
Achievement will improve future missions
During the recent test, the spacecraft sent data at a speed of 25 megabits per second, as reported by the Daily Mail.
Ken Andrews, who leads the project’s flight operations at JPL, mentioned that even though it was a small amount of data sent in a short time, they were amazed by the success of the test.
NASA added that this achievement will improve future missions involving humans and robots exploring space. It will also help in using more advanced science instruments that can provide clearer and more detailed information.
Overall, this progress is a big win for NASA and space exploration. It shows that they can send and receive data quickly and efficiently, which is crucial for successful missions to explore and study the universe.