Pakistan's First Lady?

Pakistan’s First Lady?

Asif Ali Zardari became Pakistan’s 14th president. People wondered who would be the first lady. During his swearing-in ceremony, his daughter Aseefa Bhutto Zardari stood by his side. This was significant because Zardari’s wife, Benazir Bhutto, had passed away in 2007. Since then, he hadn’t remarried, leaving the position of first lady empty during his first presidency from 2008 to 2013.

Now, his daughter Aseefa, who is 31 years old, is expected to fulfill the role. Aseefa has been active in politics, supporting her brother Bilawal Bhutto Zardari, who aimed to become the prime minister.

This isn’t the first time a widower president has chosen a family member to be the first lady. In the past, similar situations occurred in other countries. For instance, in the United States, President Andrew Jackson asked his niece, Emily Donelson, to be the first lady. Similarly, Presidents Chester Arthur and Grover Cleveland also had family members serve as first ladies.

In Pakistan, even though Aseefa’s father is a widower, her presence as the president’s daughter fulfills the role of the first lady.

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