
General information about NA 18 Haripur from 1977 to 2018

If we talk about the history of Haripur related to elections, politics, etc., from 1977 to 2018, Haripur was given the status of NA-19.
NA-17 has been demarcated from 2018 to 2023. And now, in the general elections of 2024, it is called NA-18.
Now let’s talk about the representatives of these parties who have been working as representatives in Haripur from 1977 to 2018.
In 1977, Maulana Sadru Shaheed won the general election and was a member of the Pakistan National Alliance Party.
In 1985, it was Maula Dad Khan who won as an independent candidate to serve the humans of this great-architected city.
In 1988, Maulvi Ali Akbar Khan, who belonged to JUI-F, came to power. In 1990, Maulvi Akbar Khan, who belonged to JUI-F, came to power in NA-19 (now called NA-18).
In the general elections of 1993, Syed Abbas Shah, who belonged to the PML-N, continued to serve as a representative in Haripur.
In 1997, Malik Nasir Khan from PML-N served as a representative. Hence, PML-N took seat two times consecutively.
In the 2002 elections, Umar Ayub Khan contested on the PML-Q ticket and was elected as a representative.
In the general elections of 2008, Sardar Muhammad Mushtaq, who belonged to the PMLN, was elected as a representative.
In 2013, Raja Amir Zaman, who belonged to the PTI, was elected and continued to serve as a representative.
In the 2015 election, Babar Nawaz Khan contested on a PMLN ticket and won.
In the 2018 general elections, Umar Ayub Khan contested on a PTI ticket and won by a majority.

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