General information about NA 18 Haripur from 1977 to 2018

General information about NA 18 Haripur from 1977 to 2018

If we talk about the history of Haripur related to elections, politics, etc., from 1977 to 2018, Haripur was given the status of NA-19.NA-17 has been demarcated from 2018 to 2023. And now, in the general elections of 2024, it is called NA-18.Now let’s talk about the representatives of these parties who have been working…

First time, Pakistan uses artificial rain to fight pollution

First time, Pakistan uses artificial rain to fight pollution

The caretaker Punjab government took an innovative step in handling the major issues in Punjab and Lahore. Air pollution, or smog, was one of the main problems suffered by many cities and regions of Lahore and Punjab, in particular. To fight pollution, the Punjab government, with the collaboration of the UAE’s government, integrated cloud seeding,…